The UNCRPD Implementation and the Civil Society Organizations for persons with Disabilities in China Song SONG China Intellectual and Developmental and Disability Network 2016.02 中国的残障定义 Definition of Disability 1.《残疾人保障法》The Protection Law for Pwds : • 残疾⼈是指在⼼理、⽣理、⼈体结构上,某种组织、功能丧失或者不正常,全部或者部分丧失以正常⽅式从事某种活动能⼒的⼈。残疾⼈包括视⼒残疾、听⼒残疾、⾔语残疾、肢体残疾、智⼒残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾和其他残疾的⼈。 The definition of a person with disabilities is as follows: 'A person with disabilities refers to one who has abnormalities or loss of a certain organ or function, psychologically or physiologically, or in anatomical structure and has lost wholly or in part the ability to perform an activity in the way considered normal.' (Article 2). The key point lies in a person not ‘considered normal’ psychologically or physiologically, concentrating flaws and illness in the body of an individual. It’s on the view of Medical Modal and focus on which is normal or not on sb’s impairment what you cannot do compare to most people who can do. Means compare to CRPD • 而《残疾人权利公约》的视角是参与社会受到限制或排斥,包括有形的客观方面的障碍和无形的主 观方面的态度,是社会模型维度。 However, CRPD is based on social modal, the Convention's point of view is that the reason a person with disabilities is restricted in or excluded from participating in society is not because they have a disability, but because of all kinds of barriers beyond disability. These include tangible barriers and intangible backward ideas and negative attitudes, and these lead to obstacles including in the law and its implementation. 身⼼障碍评定标准:China has at least 5 kinds of definition from different regulations 1987年和2006年进⾏两次残疾⼈抽样调查时分别制定了标准。2004年《军⼈残疾等级评 定标准(试⾏)》,2008年《中国残疾⼈实用评定标准(试用)》,2011年,首部国家标 准《残疾⼈残疾分类和分级》实施,在重视身体和⽣理结构缺损的同时强调功能障碍和 社会适应性。此外,中国现有⼯伤、交通事故、司法鉴定等涉及不同领域的“伤、残”评 定标准。 CRPD and ICF 《残疾人权利公约》(CRPD),该公约描述“残疾”是一种演变中的概念,“残疾是伤残者和阻碍他们在与其他人平等的基础上充分和切实地参与社会的各种态度和环境障碍相互作用 所产生的结果”。 Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.(Article 1Purpose) 《国际功能残疾和健康分类》(ICF,International classification of functioning, disability and health) 分类描述“残疾”是覆盖面⼴的术语,包括:损伤、活动受限和参与限制。是伴有健康问题和环境因素 自然环境,态度)以及个⼈因素(如年龄或性别)之间相互作用的结果。 Since 2001, ICF has been demonstrating a broader, more modern view of the concepts of “health” and “disability” through the acknowledgement that every human being may experience some degree of disability in their life through a change in health or in environment. Disability is a universal human experience, sometimes permanent, sometimes transient. It is not something restricted to a small part of the population. ICF focuses on impact. This creates a foundation and a common framework allowing all conditions to be compared using a common metric - the impact on the functioning of the individual. Furthermore, ICF looks beyond the idea of a purely medical or biological conceptualization of dysfunction, taking into account the other critical aspects of disability. This allows for the impact of the environment and other contextual factors on the functioning of an individual or a population to be considered, analyzed, and recorded. 世界部分国家身心障碍人口比例 Population ratio of physical and mental disabilities 发达国家 Developed Country 国别 身心障碍者占总人口比例 % Pwds ratio in all population 身心障碍者占总人口比例 % Pwds ratio in all population 身心障碍者占总人口比例 % Pwds ratio in all population 英国 UK 7.1 (1984年) 15 (1994年) 18 (2002年) 美国 USA 12.2 (1991年) 19.4(2000年) 18 (2001年) 澳大利亚 Australia 4.8 (1976年) 18 (1993年) 20 (2000年) 加拿大 Canada 18.5(2001年) 新西兰 New zealand 20 (1996年) 德国 Germany 8.4(1992年) 意大利 Italiy 5 (1994年) 发展中国家 Developing Country 印度 India 2.1(2001年) 墨西哥 Mexico 2.3(2000年) 埃及 Egypt 4.4 (1996年) 肯尼亚 Kenya 0.7 (1987年) 哥伦比亚 Columbia 1.8 (1993年) 中国China 5.49(1987年) 6.34(2006年) [1]英国,美国,澳大利亚数据参阅中国残联副理事长程凯博士2012年11月17日在北京大学所做 的《中国残疾人事业发展回顾与展望》演讲。其他国家数据参见Mont,Daniel.“Measuring Disability Prevalence” World Bank SP Discussion Paper No.0706(Mar 2007) p2. 1.2 中国残障者人数 Status of Pwds in China • 2011年中国残疾人总人数8502万人,占人口总量的6.34%。其中,智力残疾568万人;精神残疾629万人;多重残疾1386万人。每16个人中有一个残疾人,约每4个家庭有一个残疾人,残 疾人亲属的数量达到2.6亿。来自《2011年中国残疾人事业发展统计公报》推算。 智力残疾 0.42% 精神残疾 0.47% 元残疾 93.66% 所有残疾 6.34% 盲吾残疾 0.10% 肢体残疾 1.84% 斤力残疾 1.53% 多重残疾 1.03% 視力残疾 0.94% 障碍类型 人数 万人 占障碍总数的比例 % 肢体残疾 2412 29.07 听力残疾 2004 24.16 视⼒残疾 1233 14.86 智力残疾 554 6.68 精神残疾 614 7.4 言语残疾 127 1.53 多重残疾 1352 16.3 1..3 残障相关法律 Laws and Regulations on Pwds 1990年,颁布实施《残疾⼈保障法》2008年修订;1990,China Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities,in 2008 revised it according to the core spirit and general principal of UNCRPD The first Article of the general principals of the revised 2008 Protection Law states that 'This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of persons with disabilities, promoting the work on disability, ensuring the equal and full participation of persons with disabilities in social life and their share of the material and cultural wealth of society' thereby establishing the purpose and rational framework of the Protection Law. Correspondingly, the aim of the Convention states: 'The purpose of the present Convention is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity. (Article 1). 1994年,颁布实施《残疾⼈教育条例》,正在讨论修订;1994,The Regulations on Education of Persons with Disabilities, at present, it’s on process of emending 2007年,颁布实施《残疾⼈就业条例》,2007,The Regulations on Employment of Persons with Disabilities laws and regulations are also formulated on the basis of the rationale and framework of the Protection Law 2008年,批准《联合国残疾⼈权利公约 》和发布《中共中央 国务院促进残疾⼈事业 发展的意见》in 2008, ratified UNCRPD ,come out with Opinions on promoting the development of the disabled by CPC Central Committee and Central Government 2012年,公布《⽆障碍环境建设条例》,Regulations on the construction of barrier free environment;《关于加快推进残疾⼈社会保障体系和服务体系建设指导意见的通知》 (国办发〔2010〕19号) Guidance on accelerating the construction of social security system and service system for the disabled 2013年,实施《精神卫⽣法》, Mental Health Law 2014年,《特殊教育提升计划》, Special education promotion program 2015年,《国务院关于加快推进残疾⼈小康进程的意见》,《关于发展残疾⼈ 辅助性就业的意见》[残联发〔2015〕27号],《国务院关于全面建立困难残 疾⼈⽣活补贴和重度残疾⼈护理补贴制度的意见》 (国发〔2015〕52号),《残 疾预防和残疾⼈康复条例(草案)(征求意见稿)》,起草制定《国家残疾 预防⾏动计划》。 据不完全统计,涉及残疾⼈权益保障的法律法规有50多部,现已形成以残疾⼈ 保障法为核⼼,以⾏政法规、地⽅法规为支撑的保障残疾⼈权益的法律体系。 1.4主要残障组织 公约的参与 Involvement of CRPD 2.1 谈判过程Negotiation process • 心智联会前秘书长张巍先生还德国海德堡大学留学的时候,其导师作为公约的主 要起草者之一,张巍先生得以了解; • 张巍先生受到中国残疾人联合会国际部的邀请,作为海外专家参与公约条款的讨 论; 2.2 批准过程 Ratificaction Process • 心智联会没有参与全国人民代表大会常务委员会的立法过程; • 此事由全国人大法工委提交审议,没有民间组织参与; 2.3 reporting process CIDDN had not took part in the initial report of China government 2.4 Review Process 2.4.1shadow report Enable Disability Study Institute submitted alternative report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities in 2010. CIDDN had prepared a alternative report as well , however, CIDDN did not submit to the Committee due to they had not done all the initial report of those governments. CIDDN has been researching on basic rights in CRPD for Pwds and doing survey report on specific issues mentioned in the Concluding Observations. It is supported by a proposal cooperated with HI and One plus one. 2.4.2 List of Issues CIDDN had no influence list of Issues. 2.4.3 Reply to List of Issues—No 2.4.4 Proposals for Concluding Observations (we did not make our own proposals for Concluding Observations) 2.4.5 Briefing and Constructive Dialogue (we did not take part in any sessions of the Committee before your session.) 2.5 Concluding Observations(COB) and Follow-up Process CIDDN find the COB on the website of UN committee. By making use of the COB, we design some right-based proposal cored with these issues, such as promoting the Inclusive education in preschool education and supportive employment for persons with intellectual disability. 3. Before and After the CRPD: Major Changes and Challenges 3.1 What kind of changes, thanks to the CRPD? 3.2 What have been major challenges facing CSOs and DPOs in promoting the CRPD in your country/territory? 3.3 What kind of impact, if any, has the CRPD process had on the disability rights movement in your country/territory?